Oak Breakfront Bookcase.

Today was spent cleaning up the last of the dovetail boards and transferring the dovetails to the pin boards. The pin boards are all the vertical panels and all the joints are lapped dovetails (some people call them half blind dovetails). I also started cutting the pins after laying out each side. I'll show the process below and I will include a few details of the frame and panel construction.


Cleaning the dovetails in preparation for transferring them to the pin boards  


Using a cutting gauge to establish the depth of the tails. This is usually the thickness of the bottom and top boards. 


Using a different cutting gauge to establish the length of the tails. 


The tail board (in this case the bottom of the center lower case) being laid out precisely to transfer the tails to the pin board. 


Transferring the tails. 


Cutting the pins. 


Cutting close to the pencil lines. The areas with the "x" are to be removed to accept the dovetails. 


Mortise and tenon joinery of the frame and panel doors and sides.